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Citizens Blog

Financial Resources Available for Veterans


If you are a current or retired US service member or a family member of one, there are numerous programs available to help with the struggles of daily life.

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Stuck at Home? Spend Your Time Productively


While it may, at first, sound like a dream come true, sitting at home without much to do can quickly get old. If you’re one of the millions of Americans waiting out the crisis at home, be proactive about spending your time productively instead of binge-watching six seasons of your favorite sitcom while eating your way through gallons of ice cream. Here are some ideas to get you started.

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5 Ways to Trim Your Fixed Expenses


When most of us make our monthly budget, we list our fixed monthly expenses and move on from there; however, taking a close look at those can save you money.

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How to Create a Budget in 6 Easy Steps


Making a budget is the most basic, but in some ways the most difficult, step toward financial security. We’ve got a simple six-step process to make it easy!

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How To Dispute An Error On Your Credit Report


Did you know that roughly a quarter of #creditreports in a recent survey contained errors? If you find an error on yours, such as a miscredited payment, fraudulent account or other identity theft damage, it’s easy to challenge it and get it rectified!

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Financial Improvement for the New Year


It’s time for those New Year’s #resolutions, and we’ve got four common-sense ones to suggest that will get your finances in order! A frightening percentage of Americans have no emergency savings … don’t be one of them!

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Step 12 Toward a Debt-Free Life


Is your debt shrinking? Have you gotten rid of one of your outstanding loans or lines of credit? Well, then it’s time to celebrate!

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How to Rein In Holiday Spending


The holidays are here, and many consumers have begun their biggest spending spree of the year. If you are worried about racking up too much debt, here are a few suggestions to help you rein in your spending.

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6 Ways To Keep Your Finances Intact This Holiday Season


You don’t have to rack up a huge credit card bill or go into debt to cover your holiday expenses. Enjoy a financially stress-free season with these six tips.

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Step 10 Toward a Debt-Free Life


Now that you’re maximizing your payments toward the debt you’ve prioritized, make sure it happens by automating your payments.

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