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Citizens Blog

Tax Tips: 2023


Tax season is here again! Before you start stressing over those forms, read this guide for what you need to know about filing taxes in 2023.

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The Post-Holiday Budget Recovery Guide


The holidays are in the rearview, but if you’ve gone over budget with your spending, it’s time to deal with the aftermath, which is coming head-on. Here’s how you can get your budget back on track for the new year.

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How to Budget in Times of Inflation


With inflation hitting levels we haven’t seen in decades, sticking to a monthly budget is getting tougher all the time. Here are five ways to help make it happen.

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Financial Lessons You Can Learn from Fantasy Football


You can actually learn a lot about money management and growing your wealth from the game. Here are five financial lessons you can learn from fantasy football.

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What to Buy and What to Skip in April


Though April is a mid-season month without any major shopping holidays, you can still score some great deals. There are also many items you’ll want to put on your waitlist until prices drop in another month or so.

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Voice Response is now CUTalk!


Voice Response receives an upgrade! Learn more about the new number and how to log in. 

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Step 3 of 12 to Financial Wellness: Pay Down Debt


You’ve tracked your spending, designed a budget for your monthly expenses, and you’re well on your way to financial wellness. In this next step, you’ll create a plan for paying down your existing debt.

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Step 2 of 12 to Financial Wellness: Creating a Budget


Now that you’ve tracked your spending and kept a careful record of where your money goes over the course of a month, you’re ready to move onto the next financial wellness step: creating a budget.

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How Can I Save on Super Bowl Sunday?


Super Bowl parties are always great fun, but hosting costs can add up just like Jonathan Taylor piling on the rushing yards. So we’ve put together some hacks to help you pull off the party of a lifetime without breaking your budget.

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Your Complete Year-End Financial Checklist


As 2021 draws to a close, take a moment to go through this year-end financial checklist to ensure your finances are in order before the start of the New Year.

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